Louis Hugues wiki - Publications scientifiques

Dernière modification : 2008/11/18 17:02

Book Chapters

    2008 Gérard Nguengang, Thomas Bullot, Dominique Gaiti, Louis Hugues and Guy Pujolle
    Autonomic Resource Regulation in IP Military Networks: A Situatedness Based Knowledge Plane
    Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing, Advanced Autonomic Networking and Communication, 10.1007/978-3-7643-8569-9_5, Monique Calisti, Sven van der Meer and John Strassner
    2003 Louis Hugues, Nicolas Bredèche and Alexis Drogoul
    Robotique Autonome : apprendre à partir de peu d'exemples
    Cognitique. S. Gouardès, P. Aniorte éditeurs. Cépadues.


    2007 Thomas Bullot , Rida Khatoun, Louis Hugues, Dominique Gaïti, Leila Merghem-Boulahia
    A Situatedness Based Knowledge Plane For Autonomic Networking
    ACM International Journal of Network Management (ACM IJNM).

International Conferences and Workshops

    2006 Gérard Nguengang , Louis Hugues and Dominique Gaiti
    A Multi Agent System Approach for Self Resource Regulation in IP Networks
    LNCS Vol. 4195/2006- Springer Berlin - Book Autonomic Networking

    2006 Louis Hugues and Nicolas Bredèche
    SIMBAD: an Autonomous Robot Simulation Package for Education and Research
        Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB'06).

    2005 Nicolas Bredèche and Louis Hugues
    Speeding up learning in Evolutionary Robotics
    Fifth International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotic, EPIROB'05 (Poster)

    2005 Nicolas Bredèche and Louis Hugues
    Evolutionary Robotics: Incremental Learning of Sequential Behavior
    IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning, ICDL'05 (Poster)

    2002 Louis Hugues and Alexis Drogoul
    Pixel-based Behavior Learning
    2002 - Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI'02

    2002 Louis Hugues and Alexis Drogoul
    Synthesis of Robot's Behavior from few examples
    2002 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Sytems, IROS'02.

    2002 Nicolas Bredèche, Yann Chevaleyre and Louis Hugues
    Wrapper for Object Detection in an Autonomous Mobile Robot
    Procedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR' 2002, Quebec City, Canada.

    2001 Louis Hugues and Alexis Drogoul
    Robot Behavior Learning by Vision-Based Demonstrations
    2001- 4th European Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots - EUROBOT'01.

    2001 Louis Hugues and Alexis Drogoul
    Shaping of Robot Behaviors by Demonstrations
    First International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems.

    2001 Louis Hugues and Alexis Drogoul
    Grounding of Robot Behaviors
    AAAI Fall Symposium on Anchoring Symbols to Sensor Data in Single and Multiple Robot Systems.

    2000 Louis Hugues
    Grounded Representations for a Robot Team
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Sytems. (IROS2000).
     postscript -pdf

    2000 Louis Hugues
    Collective Grounded Representations for Robots
    5th Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems (DARS2000).

National Conferences and Workshop

    2001 Louis Hugues and Alexis Drogoul
    Robot Behavior Learning by Vision-Based Demonstrations
    Colloque ALCAA, Agents Logiciels, Coopération, Apprentissage et Activité Humaine, Biarritz, France, septembre 2001

PhD Thesis

    2002 These de Doctorat: Apprentissage de comportements pour un robot autonome
    Soutenue le 19 décembre 2002 à l'Université Paris 6

    Résumé de Thèse (abstract in french)
    pdf (french)